
Ummm yeah you’re just a blogger and Trump has created a business empire. Do something with yourself before you start criticizing others who are more successful than you’ll likely ever be.

Who’s the joke? You’re a fucking blogger for chrissakes lol.

Mmm yeah GM didn’t shut down anything, the Venezuelan gubment did.

The goal in this country is to not be the common person.

Trump won....get over it.

Uh no, no it’s not just SUV’s. Trucks are huge here in our FREEDOM LOVING country as are muscle cars.

What’s your point? I guess it’s that you hate him, correct?

Well that’s great. You should be able to actually drive it then...

So.....this guy is stupid because he drove his car fast on interstate highway I-90. Would he be stupid as well if he was driving fast on the Autobahn?

You’re a blogger. Kushner has far more intellect than you’ll ever possess. Whine and complain all you want....nobody cares.


What a little whiner you are. Trump won, get over it already.

So many liberal teachers. Time to tear it all up. I love it...

Racist much?

Did this little article help you cope? Were you drinking hot cocoa when you wrote it? Poor little snowflake...

All will just fine once Trump gets into office. All that cafe crap may just go away altogether along with the global warming shite.

His Denton is constantly showing. He’s a whiny little participation trophy toting millennial.

And.....fuck your racism

You’re pathetic for posting this garbage. This is such BS. This guy’s claim to fame is he went to school with Don Jr. He’s jealous of him and just trying to smear him. You blogging clowns heads are going to explode if he wins.

Oh there you go again, you’re exposing your Denton. Put that away...!