
The next episode of Robot Chicken is going to be great!

I'll pass on this one. To be fair I've passed on all others, but that was from laziness.

I see the smurfs walk by, dressed in their summer clothes...

I see my red door and I want it painted blue.

Not really a Siri hack, but pretty cool project nonetheless. Good thing the video wasn't shot in landscape, that would look terrible...

That was an amazing landing too.

That is awesome. Now put it in a visor, so we can be like Geordi Laforge.

The amount of buildings in New York never ceases to amaze me.

It's all real footage. It just wasn't shot sequentially, but yeah it does look surreal.

That's awesome to be able to see light travel like that as a wave. The video of it traveling through the coke bottle through the link is really cool.

That's not CGI, it is actual footage.

Because flying to Argentina is the easy part of eating a steak...

I'm on Aptera's newsletter, and I just received the following email from them regarding these videos.

Intriguing! I had no idea...

Flatbills really aren't for everyone.

Sad day...

Have you always been this paranoid?