
That's really awesome. I like re-lighting candles by holding a flame in the smoke plume. You can see the flame travel back down to the wick.

"blowing out a candle" or "blowing a candle out" not sure which.

So much lens flare...

The best of both worlds, at a fair price. I can't wait for more of these.

Oh ok.

It could mean most popular.

Everything you said about average pro photographer income I know already, and it actually backs up what I'm saying. Cameras like the D700 and 5D Mk II are some of the most popular professional grade cameras out there. This is because they are more affordable, and some of the first professional compact DSLRs with full

So you're saying most people who would drop $4k on a camera, are not pro photographers? And a photographer that owns a Hassleblad can't own a D800 as well? That's just silly. Obviously someone upgrading from a D700 isn't going to go out and buy a Hassleblad anytime soon, but they may rent one for a job if needed. The

I have to get some of this film in 120.

Not any normal person needs a D800 either. This article is aimed at commercial shooters, so Hassleblad discussion is more relevant than not.

To Uranus, and beyond!

Me too, except for the fact that they look gross.

Since the element gold is created in a supernova, all of it is technically from space. is great. They have an awesome sister site called that I love as well.

Or skip ahead to 2:50 to actually see it in action.

Skip ahead to 2:50 to actually see it in action.

My old hotmail account is used when I have to sign up for something that will end up getting me spammed, and for a microsoft xbox live account. So I hardly use it.

I was thinking it was going to be a margarita machine, but this is just a giant blender. Pretty awesome.

Or you can connect the two with a jump ring so there is no twisting.

It's not made up of 500 faces. It's made up of 500 photos of one face.