
I usually go to the app store looking for a new and useful app that I may like, then sometimes I download a game instead. I think the games benefit being together in one place with the other apps. I have only gone to the app store to download a specific game a few times. I can even name them, they are Osmos, Infinity

That almost put me to sleep, in a good way.



Security camera footage pointing at glass doors will be even more entertaining now!

You can still get on your parents insurance if you're 27 and a student as long as you were 26 at the start of the school year. My wife did that.

Yeah, I usually use my 50mm 1.4 on a crop sensor, for portraits. I love using the 24-70mm f2.8 and 70-200mm f2.8 combo for wedding photography. Do you use your ringflash more often as the main light source or just a fill?

You could use this with an iphone by using a constant light source instead of a flash unit. You may have to grow a mustache, wear skinny jeans, and ride a bike while taking the photo with hipstamatic though.

I like the dark halo, this one is fairly soft. Pretty good for DIY. I have had similar results with my DIY version. I used a cereal box, cardboard tube, mirrored contact paper, and a white t-shirt. I painted it black, so it actually looks pretty nice.

You don't really want to use zoom lenses with a ring flash anyways. Wide angle lenses make really good use of a ring flashes light output. For portraits, I would stick as close to 50mm as possible.

I noticed that they sped it up, but it's still quite a bit faster than I imagined.

Wow, it looks like it is CG. I didn't think it would move so fast.

SNL has been steadily producing skit after skit, with a few exceptions, that fall under the apt description of, "Meh..." This one is no exception.

If you're too lazy to follow the link, it costs $79.99

The only salad dressing I use to marinade, is italian dressing with chicken. I don't let it marinade for long either.

I shall try this, but with two eggs instead of just one!

How the hell do you get it out in one piece?

The first time I watched this video I had to pause it a couple times and let my brain catch up.

Yeah, the linked article states that studies suggest the capsaicin works when applied topically, and not when ingested. So if you have a headache, then stick some peppers up your nose.

There is no tripod mount. It is essentially a point and shoot camera.