
They would, and do. Also, don't forget Pabst Blue Ribbon.

I used to have one of those. I think it ended up in a tree.

It's Fryguy, Fryguy!

These are great!

Trogdor's castle is made from Quadror.

@Rosa Golijan: Hi, Rosa. I work at the company that designed and produced that hat for Spencer's, and we hope you like it. That is probably the best place to find one right now. We make a bunch of other cool stuff too. You should check out our blog if you have a chance. Thanks!

Memory part Deux! Charlie Sheen approved.

@johnpooley3: That's the point. With this new material, they could be molded instead of milled. It would be faster and cheaper.

I've seen lots of comments regarding macro use, but I think these type of ring flashes are better suited towards portrait work.

If you want to find out exactly what your monitor resolution is in terms of DPI, you can use this website and a ruler to do so. Not all are the same, but most are displayed at or around 72DPI.

@Kajigger Me Timbers: Squeeze ketchup? Nah, don't need it. Their fries aren't to great though.

Nothing beats Whataburger's "fancy ketchup", no matter how it's packaged...

She's so emo her checks cut themselves?

Good to know! I used Soluto to reduce my time from about 2.5mins+ to around 1min 15secs. I thought that was a big difference, but that's nothing compared to 5 seconds. That would be amazing. Thanks for all the info.

Once SSD's get under $100, I may have to get one for my HTPC for booting and apps. I'd like to get it under the one minute mark for booting up. Plus it always has problems waking up from hibernation for some reason...

As a professional designer and photographer I can safely say that LifeHacker is correct. Most images are displayed at a 72 DPI equivalent resolution. Most photo files taken directly from a camera are 72 PPI, and can be huge in terms of standard measurements (inches). Most cannot be displayed at full resolution on a

It should say DPI equivalent.

His inventions were so shiny!

Yeah, it looks like they faked it for some reason.