
To be fair, Matt killing Nobu in Season 1 was a freak accident, not an intentional throwing-off-a-rooftop.
Also, why didn't Frank find a nondescript white van next to Schoonover's kill cabin? Preferably already full of wire racks and topnotch surveillance equipment.

When I saw the sword slashes in Karen's apartment wall, I thought "Hell yeah, Wolverine up in this joint". Then I saw it was only 2 slashes, and I thought "OK, at least its still Daken or X-23."

Season 1: Hallway Fight
Season 2: Stairwell Fight
Season 3: ???

I think it's a blind thing. Or a blind lawyer thing. He did go to Columbia, after all.

Check out the sweet bank shot.

Holy hell, DD's gettin' his billyclub on.

Matt's not threatening to kill Melvin and his girlfriend. That probably takes the stress off.

Despite the human trafficking and arms dealing that Turk is engaged in, was anybody else hoping DD would just let him go? The man just exudes charisma and panache, and DD could probably use some eyes on the street.
Now that I re-read that, it probably seems like a good idea to get a human-trafficking arms dealer locked

What's wrong with being attracted to black women?