
Without starting a flame war, I’d like to ask why our reviews include negative review comments based on story aspects that we think should have been added. Example being, France and central europe. By that standard aren’t our reviews so subjective they become irrelevant because they aren’t based on what’s actually

Nobody played ingress

Nope, we’re selling TAY to Nabisco.

  1. DDoS Attacks are considered a Federal Crime under the 1986 The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

So, in your mind, the correct response to Blizzard enforcing its legal rights in a lawful fashion is to break the law to hurt people who had absolutely nothing to do with that decision? Gotcha.

I believe latter ones are sign of protest against blizzard shutting down that vanilla server. and rightfully so.

“rightfully”? Yes, let’s punish the players who had nothing to do with Blizzard’s call to shutdown private servers of their game. There’s nothing “right” about it.