
“Engine braking uses no fuel. Why would it?”

if it were as simple as being a, “win-win,” you think they’d continue to drag their feet on this?

I’m guessing you don’t have many track days. I have quite a few. The cars I have driven range from a Miata to a 918. I currently drive a 991 cup car on the track.

Sorry, but that’s bullshit.

Maybe also, we should consider the strategic value of not being totally dependent on the major suppliers of lithium (SQM, Albermarle, FMC). Those guys supply something like 80% + of all the lithium mined. Musk et al. is probably looking at that and thinking, “gee, why would I just throw out bad batteries which contain

This is a clever variation on the “he’s getting paid millions” trope. Keep trying.

Racism is alive and well in America for sure.

The North is just better at hiding its racism. That’s all.

Dude, no one is saying you are racist. It’s also not the same thing as calling a player the N word.

Not to stand on a soapbox here (he says as he’s about to just that), but this is just another case of why I’ve always rolled my eyes at the “the South is so racist” comments that people make these days. There is plenty of racism in the North. I’ve lived for a good amount of time (roughly a decade or more in each) in

Setting my alarm for 530AM to get the full 4.5 hours of Kirk and Callahan on WEEI with the HOTTEST TAKES. It’s going to be great. You’ll get Sully from Carver with his “I have a black friend” take. You’ll get Ben from Manchester who once sat in the out field in Fenway in the 1980s and NEVER HEARD A RACIST COMMENT, so

As a Red Sox Fan I would say that we need to impose lifetime bans on people using racist taunts against players. Period. No second chances. Also, anyone who thinks I am a Racist because I am from Boston is just as guilty of idiotic generalization as these drunken racists idiots.

Swapped an s52 into my e30

Good point. Conclusion: “Artist’s Impression.”

Yes, I know the x-axis is time. The blue RPM line crosses through 5252 several times, but the corresponding points on the power and torque curves above it don’t meet like they should.

Oh right, they’ll just check that he’s behaving via polygraph, a test so notoriously unreliable that it’s banned in military courts. That makes complete sense!

X axis is time, not RPM. the second blue graph is RPM. This is more like datalogging visualization than a true “Dyno sheet”

The ref had no business pushing him into the boards/box. He should be reprimanded for certain.

Mike Tomlin stands on an NFL football field during live think he’s gonna be told where he can and can’t stand at a high school football game?

“There was nothing innocent about that pond. It had alligators and they were treating it like they were playing ball in the street. “OK, swing! No wait, gator...ok, NOW swing!”