You deserve many stars. If you’re that incompetent at driving, you don’t deserve to be piloting a 2-ton vehicle on your own. I mean, it’s pretty much like the most important thing you learn before being allowed to actually move the vehicle forward.
You deserve many stars. If you’re that incompetent at driving, you don’t deserve to be piloting a 2-ton vehicle on your own. I mean, it’s pretty much like the most important thing you learn before being allowed to actually move the vehicle forward.
Rally cars are my favorite cars.
There are so few vehicles that can haul 6 people, all their stuff and a boat, ATV trailer or camper with 4X4 capability in relative comfort that it puts the “Burb” in a category all by itself.
Got it. So, If someone made a joke about going to the inner city and having some crime done to them, I shouldn’t assume they’re talking about black people?
Counterpoint: they’re heavy, bloated, crappy, gas guzzling SUVs typically used to transport exactly one person with no cargo and they don’t do anything especially well.
...the problem is that a few people seem to think that “if you own land, you can do anything you like with it”.
I would buy two nice little shitboxes, but not too old, a couple of Geo Metros or something, and park them in front of the other two cars and put tarps on them. Let the neighbor complain about those and when the inspector comes by, tell him the statute doesn’t apply because they’re just regular cars.
Yeah, I also have to say I’m not really feeling any reason to shit on her for this.
I’m not sure how accurate they are (as is the case with any study), but some “studies have shown” that men who consume large amounts of porn can’t even get it up for “real” women anymore.
Guys who watch porn tend to want to have sex more often. This is a good thing in a long-term relationship. Also, if my girlfriend is too uptight to watch porn, then she’s probably too uptight for me.
He seems really fucking high to me in that video. The whole thing.
here is a photo of my first car:
I don’t drive a Lincoln because it’s cool, or because they pay me to (even though they actually do), I drive a Lincoln because, you know, I like them or some shit.
I’m sorry (no I’m not), but if you confuse the gas pedal with the brake pedal, you are, in fact, a moron.
I don’t get the appeal of movie cars. They’re usually pieces of junk, beat to hell, or just plain don’t run right. Often the modifications made to them are done poorly, cheaply, or purely for cosmetic reasons. They almost never live up to what they look like in the movies and are often neglected by the time they reach…
“Word around the office is you’ve got a fat cock...”
Just put 4-rotors in all of them and they will sound amazing. Problem solved.
No idea why you got so many stars, your comment is garbage on several levels.
I’m not defending Lockte or any idiots like him, but I thought the narrative was that he had told his mother a story and she made a big deal out of it and it became A Thing. How does that equate to “Falsely Reporting a Crime?” I mean, if they went to the police and filed a report, that’s one thing. But they didn’t!
if he made up his story like Lochte did, then yeah