Tesla did not knock off the Elise, they turned it into a totally different car.
Tesla did not knock off the Elise, they turned it into a totally different car.
I feel sorry for the people living in the one that hasn’t fallen over yet.
Wait isn’t the TSX just the rebadged Civic?
How can anything be a drivers car with 125 lb.-ft. of torque?
Tesla’s Autopilot, for example, probably shouldn’t be called that since it’s... not.
I thought that was the easiest one.
Why is he slathered with more oil than a WWE wrestler? Does carrying a flag require one’s body to be oiled excessively?
You’re drastically overthinking this. The best food to eat in a car is clearly a beef snack. Peel it open and eat away, no chance of anything spilling or a cumbersome eating experience getting in the way of driving. When you’ve eaten it all, just toss the wrapper on the floor of the passenger side and repeat. They…
Oh, okay! That makes much more sense! No worries, I apologize.
No, I’m just baffled by your complete lack of logic or ability to follow a conversation.
Just because the settlers in the US were too lazy to own up to their ignorance of the world and change the name of the incorrect umbrella term they gave to the natives does not make it acceptable.
You’re absolutely right. And even if the Freeflow somehow made it to production, it would still be restricted by an anemic engine and terrible automatic transmission, because Nissan.
The chart also represents the level of activity of your sex life, with y-axis representing how many times per day you masturbate.
I “played” Pokemon Go for all of fifteen minutes over the course of several days and never had a single problem with it. Granted, it’s a small sample size because I found it to be pretty stupid, but my experience was the exact opposite of a “non-functional product.”
I don’t give a shit about what it’s called, I care about what it is.
A high-strung BMW engine in a Toyota is the stupidest fucking idea I’ve ever heard since... I don’t know how to finish that sentence.
Every instance of “she” in this article should be surrounded by quotes.
So you’re looking for the next Doug DeMuro, right? The problem is I can’t afford such ridiculous cars, as I actually rely on reliable transportation to get to work every day.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Did you even read my comment before replying to it? Did you read your own comment that I replied to in order to understand what I was saying?
You can prefer American Indian, but it refers to Native Americans, not Indians.