
Will it be financed by the new Peter Thiel lawsuit financing startup?

Did Tom conspire to pull a trick like in the final scene from singing in the rain? He was going to have a regular girl singing behind a curtain and pull it up while Taylor was lip-synching?

How are you crapping on Daily Mail? Everyone at Gawker Media almost lost their jobs up until last week when Univision swooped in to save them.

Cecilia you and the other staff should just take whatever you are working on. Open an Amazon AWS account and use their servers, and start a new website called “” and just keep doing what you are doing. “Jeezebel”, “I010", “Ecchitaku”,“Gizmodo” is taken, but “Gizmag” (Which everyone always confused with

Aimee Lutkin you and the other staff should just take whatever you are working on. Open an Amazon AWS account and use their servers, and start a new website called “” and just keep doing what you are doing. “Jeezebel”, “I010", “Ecchitaku”,“Gizmodo” is taken, but “Gizmag” (Which everyone always confused with