
Let me guess, a 'real' game would be a JRPG like Dildo McDouchbag and the Secret of Fucktard mountain?

Now that Disney owns both franchises, it shouldn't be long. You ever seen those Tron variant covers from a few years back?

Probably not, but if you're into RPGs in general, it wouldn't hurt to give this a shot.

Funny part is is that most of those comments come from men. Many women I've talked to are cool with it.

Grandpa, hip hop ain't dead. You just need to know where to look for it. Hint: The internet.

Because it didn't happen. Thank god for it.

I might be one of the few, but I kinda like Ultimate Spiderman. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and I get a few chuckles out of it. Plus I've come to terms with the fact that they'll never make another Spiderman show as awesome as the one Fox had in the mid 90s.

I didn't play XI or XIV, so here are mind:

Actually I've been playing violent games since I was 12 and looking at porn since I was 15. I'm 31 now, and I have a college degree, full time job, and no criminal record other than a few speeding tickets. Needless to say I turned out fine.

Coming from a man, there is this misconception that feminism = man hating, and that feminists still expect men to pay on dates, finance their shopping sprees, pay their bills, etc.

Yep she is. That's R.Mika, who made her debut in SF Alpha 3. She's got a wrestling style and idolizes Zangief.

She got lucky. Mine was on a sweaty gym floor with two chubby Japanese twins, one of whom was a MTF transvestite.

I told that bitch not to touch my PS3, yet she's gonna interrupt me while I'm playing Ni No Kuni!

it should be fine once we get all the blood and brain chunks off of it. Might need some rubbing alcohol, but it'll be okay. Those things are surprisingly resilient.

Now normally I tend to defend Chris Brown, but come on man! It's a parking lot! Of course one time in college I did have a woman try to scrap with me over a parking spot. I had gotten there first, but she got mad and tried to swing on me. There was a tire iron right next to my book bag. Had some guy not came and

That bitch tried to throw out my PS3 and got banked for it, that's why! Don't ever come between me and my game of Tekken X Street Fighter!

Hipster, go play some JRPG. Older heads like me grew up off games like Lethal Enforcers, Operation Wolf, and Time Crisis. And if they start banning light gun shooters, where else would they go from there?

But would that make it okay to put his name out there like that though and try to cockblock him? And if there was a site that was about "this was a bad girlfriend" would it be just as fair?

The site is open for anyone to contribute. There is nothing in there discouraging a woman from contributing, unless you know something I don't know. I mean, I really can't think of anything.

Wow, way to generalize men. So on the one hand, the poster is complaining about why aren't there more female editors on wikipedia, and yet it seems as you would answer your own question presuming this is true.