
To be fair, neither is the Switch logo.

They’re not completely different, which is what I was trying to explain. They’re incredibly connected. I’m not stopping because you disagree. I’m stopping because you haven’t addressed any of my points - you’ve just reiterated your own stance. A stance which is fine in theory, but fails to take into account certain

Okay, mate. I’m not going to argue about how my field works.

No offense meant - it completely negates what you said. It’s part of the producer’s job to pass on correct messages from one party to another. This isn’t “word of mouth” - this is supposed to be straight from the horses’ mouth, professional information that you can trust. If the producer is doing their job correctly,

Sorry, mate, but this is just flatly incorrect. Most interactions in preproduction go through the producers. Writers do not generally interact with every party (there are many reasons for this - ones which are generally instated to protect creatives) - producers do and frequently pass on messages as well as praise and

But his problem shouldn’t be with Carnahan. It should be with Sony and the producers for misrepresenting Druckmann’s opinion. This is a bizarrely direct attack on someone who was clearly just trying to be affably friendly, and even acknowledged that the information he received may have been incorrect - and Druckman

I’m forced to ask: Is journalism so basic as to allow our articles to be determined by one man’s minute emotional tantrums? Apparently! Either way, I think it’s safe to say that we are all aware that informed critiques have been replaced by blog posts replete with “relatable” and “piercing” editorialization. We as a

Is that Character Actress Margo Martindale?