
Cheap energy is a boon to the developing world. They live closer to the edge than we do.

Smart people, could this be something that could eventually lead (talking way, waaay down the road here.) to things like gravity generators like in sci-fi which would allow people to set-up gravity in space ships?

1. Why do you have to appear in court in Oakland?

Fixed it for you. I am sure there will be, maybe not in the next few decades, closer pictures. I wouldn’t be surprised if we started sending landers and rovers to the outer planetoids. They really are our best options for off planet resources and launching points for deep space exploration.

A likely story as you were able to recognize that they were Rhizomes! Thats way too much coherence to be still waking up.

It's gone😯

I hate this new trend where more than half of the bundle is a “Beat the average to unlock”. It used to be that paying what you want actually got you pretty much the entire bundle, while the ‘beat the average’ grant a couple of extra bonus things. Now they’ve decided to make the bulk of the bundle behind the pay

But...but...after I’ve finished off the whiskey, I won’t have any real need for the fire because I’ll be toasty from the inside out! Either that, or so blotto that I won’t be able to start the fire anyway...

I can’t eat that much sooop (<— correct spelling).

This is just cruel. I’m still waiting for Spotify to be an option to use as an alarm.

Diced tomatoes are what Costco sells, so that’s what I’ll continue buying, Serious Eats finger-wagging be damned.

Aside from the long history of confusing product names... in my opinion the Youtube Red thing is almost a reminder that Google controls so much of the internet that they can call it whatever they want. Because obviously, when it launches, Youtube Red will be the first search result when you google “red tube.”

How do you cut Amazon Prime as a monthly charge? Doesn’t it just charge you for a full year all at once?

Apple and keyboards without numpad. How can you get things done without a numpad I’ll never know but I guess some people don’t it.

What about water from those tankless, on demand hot water heaters?


Or cut the tube in half an have two 4-foot storage tubes.

It’s not just being loyal to a brand anymore. If you want any of your devices to work with each other or to realize all of hte functionality they offer, you kind of have to stick with one brand.