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    I don’t think bouyancy is the term you’re looking fore.

    Who’s fighting whom

    Maybe a nice stained piece of wood for the top too?

    So where’s the Shire?

    I’m sure by “exactly” he means within a few dozen million miles.

    I’d love it if we could get 2 day delivery in Dayton...

    And the award for MOST MICROPHONE STANDS goes to...

    You’re missing Hulu.

    Can you change her name?

    You can use binder clips to fasten it on, or sew it in. Totally worth an article. ;-P

    Or you can slap a microfiber cloth on the bottom of the Swiffer.

    What about Iron Sky??? Doesn’t the vacuum of space rip clothes off?

    This! And they filter what I’ve watched before out of results?

    It has to be cheap in Utah because of how many weddings they have. *Heeey oooh* Just joking. My wedding was $5k.

    He walked 20 miles and all we get is a horrible perspective picture?

    Does it come with free lollipops? #BankTime

    I’m wondering how this is going to work on sliding doors or on windows which go down.

    Why are TED Talks leaving? Aren’t they free?

    Or maybe it should just still be a DUI.