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    6 months into marriage. We have about $5k, but our house needs new windows badly. So it will probably be $1,500 soon.

    Probably because you work a shift. Try working a job where the hours aren’t set.

    I must not have gotten them correctly. I’ll run an update tonight. Thanks!

    But if you have an S6, good luck using it! OK Google Option Missing. We would love your help elevating this issue!

    I wish they would put out a decent update for their desktop version. It’s been so long and it has issues with DVDs.

    Gotta get that Tofu / Tomatoes / Beer / Cumin / Parmesan!

    I have around 30 $0.55 towels from IKEA. I go through about 8 while preparing a meal.

    For those of us working inside, full-spectrum lights work great.

    1. We had it at a camp ($1500 for ceremony and reception, included cabins for guests staying the night)

    Original Law & Order?

    I've always heard that men's razors are better for women because they have the pivoting heads and the razor burn strips. FWIW.

    I was more trying to be clever, I should have said “Y this”

    Why this when YNAB?

    You get a notification on your phone, so you can cancel it if it was an accident.

    As someone who cooks constantly and has taken classes in it, for the seasoned chef, anything other than gas is blasphemy.

    IT’S REAL!!!!

    Oh my gosh! I want the Amazon Dash to be real.... soooo bad!

    Isn’t this what the crevice tool is for?


    Graduated and have been working full-time for almost two years now. Paying off my loans as much as I can and saving 5% (first year), 6% (this year), +1% per year after that.