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    I literally just added a new todo list to RTM called "Passions". On it are things which I want to do in order to better my self.

    I was recently married. During the time my wife and I dated and were engaged, both of our vocabularies changed. We learned different words and added new meanings to the ones we used. This improved our communication abilities by leaps and bounds.

    Doubt it. This is clearly different from Gmail, read the source article.

    Try again, I got a message saying...

    What is the one tool you use the most often which is not in the typical toolbox?

    Yer a code wizard, Harry Potter.

    I have this, but the bass is way to loud even when turned down all the way.

    I have this, but the bass is way to loud even when turned down all the way.

    Ohio Graeter's Ice Cream*

    I keep my super glue with my cologne. It just makes sense to me... all the bottles are the same size!

    Chivalry isn't dead.

    I had a cactus... and killed it. I'm even less nurturing than a desert.

    And! Grade yourself as you go through the test. It helps you know how you're doing which can be really encouraging.

    Auuugh! The purpose of microfiber is for them to be reusable. Please wash them as much as possible before disposing of them. It is better for the environment.

    I did this with guests for my wedding. It was fun.

    I love you.

    Suddenly spam! Why give out your email on twitter?

    My house has a rain barrel right now. We use it to water our chickens and yard. I don't know if I'd trust any homemade filter to get rid of the junk it picks up on an asphalt roof.

    Now playing

    Randy Scruggs Flat picking... fingers are not required.