
talking about your stupid fantasy hockey team on a date is a great way to inspire your date to come up with a creative way to shut you up. May or may not involve a gag but almost certainly involves a mouth on your dick.

PTSD can happen to anyone who has experienced or directly witnessed trauma that caused them to fear for their own or another’s life. Going through a trial is in no way consistent with that definition.

No, it’s not fact. Going through a trial is insufficient to develop PTSD. If he stopped eating because of the trial, it is likely due to anxiety, depression, or even simply what we call a ‘situational crisis’ (when people are coping poorly due to an external stress, but don’t meet criteria for a mental disorder).

At what point was he fearing for his own life? Fearing that he would go to jail is not the same thing as immediately fearing for his life.

That’s a matter of opinion. It still doesn’t fit the criteria for PTSD. Unless you are making up your own criteria.

Except that no reasonable doctor would ever diagnose somene with PTSD from being ‘jailed charged and the focus of a media circus,’ because that doesn’t the criteria of a ‘trauma.’

Actually, being arrested and put on trial for a crime you committed is not at all the textbook definition of a ‘traumatic experience.’

First of all, loss of appetite is a symptom of depression, not PTSD.

As a doctor with neat handwriting it bugs the shit out of me when I can’t read other doctors’ notes in the chart. It's actually dangerous for patient care.

I have shoved a lot of peens belonging to many men and also lots of large objects in my vag on a near daily basis for the past 10 years.

So they support the right of people to carry guns regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation, but not gender? ...Am I missing something here??

Actually the abortion clinic phenomenon is a weird U.S. Thing. In Canada, abortions are typically done in hospitals alongside other procedures. And they are covered under our single-payer system, so you don’t pay out of pocket.

‘Social media obsessed bipolar loser’

You don’t get admitted to a mental health facility if all you have is a personality disorder, unless you are actively suicidal.

My little pony.

Also, he doesn’t want his friends to know what kind of porn, but is okay with his friends knowing absolutely every other detail of his masturbation habits...

This. Determining that a patient is psychotic has little to do with what they say. It’s all in how they say it. And you are trained to suss out pretenders.

I think the cherubs were just an excuse to have a painting of his naked self surrounded by naked little boys. Gross.

I’ve seen a few teratomas, and I was so disappointed that there were no teeth. Just hair. :(

If you've been using it without issues, it's fine. Just remember that it eats condoms for breakfast.