
“But it can also result in a more diverse group of nominees”


Also testing, testing

Your utter certainty that Cersei is lying about her pregnancy is baffling. I think it's deliberately supposed to be ambiguous for now; I happen to believe she's telling the truth, but that's immaterial to my point, which is that — even if she *is* lying — the evidence you use to support your assertion is faulty. Yes,

No. There's literally a line right before the battle starts where Randyll tells Jaime that all the carts of gold have made it to King's Landing safely and the only thing left in the loot train are the wagons of food.

It's not unimportant, no. The age gap is definitely a crucial part of the relationship and how it plays out. It may very well make some people uncomfortable; then again, it's a provocative story, a lot of it is designed expressly to make people uncomfortable. But I don't think it's threatening or "icky" or anything

If you really believe the Iron Bank has been completely forgotten, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Hmm… Mhysa's not my favorite finale. Maybe The Bear And The Maiden Fair (3x07) instead? There's some good stuff in that one.

Here would be my personal suggestion of three eps from each season:

"Always feel good about a musical trailer that doesn't feature songs from the musical!"

If you thought the last episode of Lost "ruined" the whole show, then you were watching it for the wrong reasons.

No, it was their mother Ellaria Sand, and she was smooching on Yara Greyjoy, not Sansa Stark.

That's Ellaria, not Elia. Elia is dead. (You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!)

I just came.

Either watch it or don't. But whatever you do, don't just skip to S2; this is a show that absolutely has to be watched from the beginning.

Girl had to get to work!

Carrie Coon has stated in multiple interviews that Nora is a huge part of the final season. The finale is titled "The Book Of Nora." I highly doubt she's going to vanish entirely for the next three episodes in a row.

Try being from Minnesota and watching Fargo.

George Brevity saying "Well, she's going!" was merely a comment on Nora's stubbornness, not an admission of complicity in the LADR scheme.

Literally everyone was mentioning it last week.