
We live in technological times, there will be lots of growing pains, but I don’t see how it’s advantages for Tesla to cheat, I’m sure the truth will come out. I feel sorry for you people that have trouble adapting to tech as you’ll be left in the dark. Unfortunately in the new Trump era lying and cheating to get ahead

Funny I always see complaints about taxes, but rarely fees. The one thing I’ve never read about as a complaint is the printing/adding of money to the system. This basically devalues your dollar but nobody seems to care. Not even sure there’s even a way to find out how much is added. If you don’t care about your dollar

My point is by 2050 we will be monitored from every angle at every second of the day, those in power (not sure who will be most powerful, probably corporations) will know what you’re doing before you do. I’m sure by then they will be able to pick off any undesirables with lasers from satellite would make the point of

Sorry my bad. The news I’ve been reading is obviously false, and somehow the species that make up the police force have a different mental make up than the species of the military that are not capable of the same acts.

Again the post says 2050 not 2015. Yes drones are relatively new, but will be well established by 2050

Isn’t your current active service units (police) already firing on unarmed American civilians?

Please read before you comment. It says “2050” not 2015.

I wonder insurance will ever go down?

What's really needed is an unbiased site to create cross reference charts that list all the specs and and a rating for each spec. Some sites do a very limited version but phones for instance if you had the category of camera the purview would get 1 someone would get 2 and so on. Rather than having comparison charts

My girlfriends cat almost succeeded by lying on the top step in the night. Kinda like leaving a rolling pin on the stairs. New record for descending a flight of stairs. No animals were hurt in the making of this true story.

Hopefully this will be the rebirth of the pc/laptop. I've spent thousands on pc's and windows only to have the games, eg. Halo, to become limited to one console. With the money spent upgrading windows over the years I thought it was a cheap move on MS's part to limit or stop making games for windows. I've never owned

My question is, is it better to buy a cheap car loaded with all the goodies, or a more expensive base model (same class)?