If the word "moist" were a person it would be Zach Braff.
If the word "moist" were a person it would be Zach Braff.
There is nothing Perez can say (however innocuous in intent) that doesn't make him look creepy.
Huh. That's not adorable or charming at all.
Is this kid Rita Wilson's son? Colin is not, correct? I'm from Idaho, and word on the street here is that Ms. Wilson is NOT universally loved in Sun Valley where they have a home. To say the least.
Where is the Dirt Bag item that says "Jezebel news editor tastelessly tweets Paul Ryan's death?"
Did Erin Gloria Ryan actually tweet that she wished it was SCOTT Walker instead? "WOW!" if true. The height of insensitivity.
Let it be said that Erin Gloria Ryan was on Twitter an hour ago making snark and puns.
I don't know about the demand for chi's in NYC - the stats you cite for their surrender at AC&C are disturbing - but this kind of airlift has been done with great success in other states where there was in fact a high demand for chihuahuas and few available. So it isn't a bad program, but perhaps NYC should not have…
Hahahaaaa... you didn't even watch the clip.
Well, I can say pretty confidently that if you do have a sense of humor, you've apparently given it the day off today.
For someone so knowledgeable about a comedian who stars on a comedy show that airs on a comedy channel, you seem to have no sense of humor in the least.
You know, I work for Palestinian rights of enfranchisement and reparations, and stupid remarks like yours (to: ThereAreManyLikeItButThis) which are totally unrelated to the topic, do a disservice for those of us committed to human rights in the region. I, myself, was very moved by this documentary. She is no less…
I want him dressed in an orange jumpsuit, in a cell.