
Meh. I don’t really care. Some peoplepay bribes in order to get into college. Others write heartfelt admissions essays they don’t really mean (not me.. of course). It’s all a big scam because we’ve been convinced a college education is absolutely necessary, instead of being an occasional benefit for some people.

”when someone tells you their area of expertise, ask them about it”

5 Kids eh?  They know what causes that now.... you should look it up ;)

We have this problem too, although I admit its more because of my wife and son.

not everyone cooks from scratch enough to bother keeping container of bacon fat.

First.....DUDE... you simple must work on your writing style. Its ALL over the place, in structure, grammar, and punctuation. You keep tossing in unrelated , tangential topics into the mix (maglev trains? particle accelerators?). I can’t tell if you are trolling me or are some kind of genius.

It is the switch to glass that allows for the lower transportation costs due to lower fuel costs specifically because it’s replacing plastic.

You cite increases in the efficiency of transportation as a possible reason why the old studies are not valid. However you neglected to take into account that any increase in efficiency would affect BOTH glass and plastic, with glass still requiring more fuel to transport (both as products and recycled materials).

I will grant you that the research regarding the relative pollution costs of glass vs plastic is not recent. In fact, I can’t find any recent research about this topic. But that also means there there isn’t any research to refute my point.   The fact that you cannot find any recent research that refutes my claim means

Personally, I think the best parking hack was found in Make Magazine years ago. Someone altered his white pickup truck and with decals to look like a fake utility vehicle (for a non-existent utility). Helped him avoid parking tickets.

nope, about what?

“A 2008 comparison of glass and plastic baby food jars, for example, found that the glass jars produce between a quarter and a third more greenhouse gases than plastic jars. “

Glass weighs more so that easily recyclable jar causes more pollution during transport to the store.


I’ve seen task manager say “Disc 100%” but all the tasks listed don’t add up to anywhere close to 100%.  Never figured that out.

Probably building their own PC.

i just stick my dish sponge in the top rack of the dishwasher occasionally.  It never stinks.

I’m still waiting for consumer machines that can shred, melt, and extrude plastic into filament for 3d printers. That would be exciting.