Then go to your bank’s website and pay that current balance through their bill pay system (just as you would at the end of the month)
Then go to your bank’s website and pay that current balance through their bill pay system (just as you would at the end of the month)
How exactly would I go about paying my credit card balance every night?
I’m in my 50's, so I’ll refrain from using a 12-yr-old insult as a reply. Let’s just say I do what I have to, in order to spend responsibly.
And, looking at the profanity and shallowness in your other responses, it appears the person with the 12-yr-old brain is you (seriously, everyone take a look at gizwakerotaku’s…
I prefer to use my debit card specifically because it DOES come out of my account. I don’t like having a big credit card bill at the end of the month. Even though I can pay it, it always feels like using a credit card is spending money I don’t have.
I’m reminded of Dilbert cartoon where Wally makes this same argument. Then, in the last frame, he asks “are towels supposed to bend?”
I’m reminded of Dilbert cartoon where Wally makes this same argument. Then, in the last frame, he asks “are towels…
10? We have one bath towel per person in our family (2 adults and a teen). All get washed on the weekend. Easy Peasy.
10? We have one bath towel per person in our family (2 adults and a teen). All get washed on the weekend. Easy Peasy.
I had never heard of that either. Had to Google it.
I had never heard of that either. Had to Google it.
Wish had this information when breaking up with the woman I lost my virginity to. But I imagine there was no easy way out of that.
I’m glad that this bookstore is doing well. I must admit that, while I used to love to browse physical book stores, I only did it because there was no other option.
Yeah, it was pretty easy to Google once I realized there was a difference. I just didn’t know what ‘ac’ meant until i got further down in the article, when AC routers were contrasted with N routers. Meh - its ok. Just a pet peeve of mine when acronyms aren’t explained the first time they are used.
FYI, might want to explain ‘ac’ vs ‘n’ for those of us who might not pick up on that. At first I thought you meant ‘alternating current’ and that your laptop was plugged into its charger.
What does you see as the primary argument against a single payer system? From what I can gather, its the fear that in order to provide basic healthcare to everyone, some will be forced to get LESS access to healthcare than under their current system (longer waits to see doctors, rejection of certain treatments because…
We are planning in visiting NYC for summer vacation. Are we likely to encounter severe problems with the MTA if we are only there for a week? Or is it residents who use it every day for years who have most of the issues?
Good thing she doesn’t work in I.T.
oops, accidentally commented here for another article. But I can’t delete my original comment, so I’m overwriting it with this new one.
oops, accidentally commented here for another article. But I can’t delete my original comment, so I’m overwriting…
FYI, let’s get this out of the way right now. ALL BEER HAS SOME BITTERNESS TO IT. If you don’t like a drink with ANY bitterness, you probably aren’t going to like beer. You beer lovers out there need to remember that when people ask about beers that aren’t bitter. They aren’t asking for LESS bitter beers. They are…
YMMV but what my wife and I do is use the TurboTax software to get everything organized, then go ahead and go to H&R Block. Since they use the same software in the office, its a straightforward and quick meeting.
Don’t what? Be diplomatic? Or make small talk?
I like to think that I’m awesome at small talk. I’m pretty well read, so I have a lot of knowledge to apply to any conversation.I’m also very diplomatic, so I can disagree politely, and steer the conversation away from that subject.
Its possible that there could be a disconnect between parenting styles.