Your supposed to chill overnight? I just flattened out the dough ball, and stuck in the freezer for a few minutes. Butter can be softened in the microwave in 10 second increments if you watch it carefully.
Your supposed to chill overnight? I just flattened out the dough ball, and stuck in the freezer for a few minutes. Butter can be softened in the microwave in 10 second increments if you watch it carefully.
I wanted to argue with you, but your comparison is so ridiculous that I really just don’t want to expend the energy.
YES! Exactly!
For the average person, what's the issue with location tracking?
I do this too. Buy a large refill of hand soap and it will last forever.
If you don't bother having a best friend that you won't have this problem. It always work for me!
and for gods sake, ignore the homeopathic remedies that are on the same shelf. They are even more worthless. I’m disgusted that drug stores actually sell them.
I know I’m trolling here, but what do people actually USE these for? Other than colored lights outside for holidays, I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need for multicolored lights inside my house.
I know I’m trolling here, but what do people actually USE these for? Other than colored lights outside for…
I just make turkey carcass soup in the slow cooker, portion it out to plastic containers and freeze. I’ll have ready-made office lunches for a while.
It’s OK to put Red Wine in the fridge for a little while to cool it down a bit. When we are told that red wine is supposed to be served at room temperature, they mean room temperature of old drafty castles.
Meh, I disagree. People comment more when you tell them they are idiots
Headlines with strong opinions get more eyeballs, more comments, and more advertising dollars
I think that making the roux is a lot more effort than ‘barely’. I’ve tried to make roux before and its incredibly time consuming and insanely easy to burn.
Do you know how many junk-mail postcards i get in a week? At least a dozen or more. If it doesn’t look like a bill or a greeting card, it gets a glance then tossed in the shredding pile.
I think for most of us, deep-frying is too much of an involved process. Think of all the extra equipment you have to buy. Not to mention the need to do it outdoors and the extreme danger of the process. I’ve heard it’s really good, but its understandable that most won’t go to the trouble.
Having had both homemade gravy and the canned/powered/bottled gravies, I have to say that I don’t really taste that much of a difference. Am I unusual, or is that the case for many of you? I’m wondering if this is a kind of “The Emperors New Clothes” thing where everyone thinks that homemade tastes better because its s…
Life is generally meh. More often than not it sucks. Just give me my beer
thank you for this! I search in vain every year for plain white sneakers. The Adiddas are exactly what I want.
thank you for this! I search in vain every year for plain white sneakers. The Adiddas are exactly what I want.
If you’re interested in some unique spooky music, I recommend these artists