
Yet more male feminist gamers will be accused of sexual harassment, gaming press will be shocked — shocked — to find gambling going on in there.

Other half voted for an idiot, what’s your point?

Say what you want about the rest of the show (and feel free), but I could look at and listen to Zoe Perry successfully trying to be her mother all day every day.

Oh, don’t worry - they’ll stretch that out over a season and a half. Worked for that other show, right?

Ought to be good, the rest of the Rusty Lake stuff is.

It does. Very impressive if it’s indeed another singer.

You know what you should do? Organize protests. In-game protests. Occupy Los Santos! Down with the 1%!

The Social Justice War is never over. There’s always something dot dot dot dramatic pause Problematic to fight over.

70% chance said person gets damnatio memoriae immediately, with all articles he has ever written stricken from the site, 30% chance of a sudden change of heart and “whoa, whoa, WHOA here, people - we can’t take just any accusation as valid...”

First exposure to these things was when a family member prepared some - I assume she merely steamed them, when the cover was whipped off the closest description I could find was “body odor.” Politely passed on the vile-smelling things.

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

Obama’s hands were tied because he did fuck all during the time he had majorities in both chambers and then managed to fuck that up.


Nightmare he may be, but he’s going to win the case.

“MEN! Don’t be afraid to show your emotions!”

Counterpoint to #12: Bump stocks are in fact hellaciously fun and a fantastic way to piss a lot of money down range in a hurry.

...because yes, there are a great many possible interpretations of “I didn’t like the direction this character was taken.” I just can’t BELIEVE people took that to mean that Mark Hamill didn’t like the way the director was moving with his character? Stupid fucking fans, amirite?!?!

Maybe you should take your own advice.

Get used to it. As much as you’d like to think otherwise, Wypipo ain’t going anywhere.

You know what you get when Democrats run everything? The shithole that is Illinois.