
Glaze the bun!

“Is she cheating on you or working?”

150 years ago it was the highest of fantasies that mankind would ever reach the moon.

I sure as hell would. Maybe not day 1, but PDQ.

This shit here...this is some authentic genuine 1/1d8 SAN loss stuff.

I can’t be the only one who has never even heard of about half of the list. This isn’t a backhanded “oh, I just don’t watch mass media” type thing, either - I totally do, but some of these totally escaped my attention for some reason.

Similar, not the same thing. Hard to feature the exact same species thriving on both Tatooine and...wherever the hell Luke was. The Last Jedi killed my Give A Fuck along with Luke.

But...but only misogynist woman-hating MRA Gamergating red pillers could possibly feel that way! Just like Ghostbusters, there’s no possible valid criticism for this film - either you love it unconditionally or you hate all women, everywhere, and always have.

Lots of text, little thought. Sorry.

Holdo’s death held absolutely zero emotional effect - she’s a brand-new character introduced just this movie. No time to get attached to her.

Kylo Ren “steal the show?”

I think the thing that shocked me the most about that last scene was that it was not only a boy, but a white boy. I understand that’s an undesirable direction to be heading these days.

There was an episode of Family Guy where a cutaway gag was something about “a white guy’s dialogue in a Spike Lee movie” and it was just a white guy behind a pizza counter snarling at a black couple.

Why, in the name of Thor’s left nut, would I want to preorder an iPhone app? I supposed this opens things up for “exciting exclusive preorder bonus” bullshit.

I...I thought that was a tattoo of Captain Kangaroo for a few moments.

Nah, that’s a little extreme. But I expect someone who covers - you know, video games - to have at least enough talent to play a game on something other than easiest difficulty. And then piss and moan that the game derides such a selection. 

Hey, as long as we have dedicated members of the Puritan Patrol like Liz Edwards to carefully sift through every character model for the slightest hint of covered impropriety, I’ll sleep soundly at night.

The choices were “hot garbage” and “rancid garbage.”

“Set in a fictional world where player protests didn’t completely destroy attendance...”

Wife makes really good cheesecake but she can’t stand the stuff, so she only makes it on special occasions. On the upside, I get an entire cheesecake to myself. Which is a blessing and yet a curse.