
Nobody “likes” to watch Sam “one note” Bee. They watch it Because They’re Sposed Ta.

Worst possible woman? I don’t see Hillary Clinton...

If I really wanted to be an asshole, I’d send one hundred checks for one cent each, each dated a random amount of days apart (from one to seven days), and jumbled up randomly so the order was all messed up.

Did you say cheeki breeki?

Was going to ask “how many episodes are about social media this time” but apparently the answer is none. Nice.

It’s down to how much convenience you want. “Looking at your phone” is more convenient than “thumbprint your phone” is more convenient than “enter a passcode/pattern.” Giving up security for convenience.

Disappointed! I know that corn maze in the top picture, was hoping it would be in the video.

Yes, damn that corporate America for trying something new with this game, even if they fucked it up.

And remember, everybody - it’s still okay to like H.P. Lovecraft.

Perhaps the lowest difficulty level should have a participation trophy? Maybe that would make Ethan, you, and 40 other people feel better?

“I doubt most, if not all, of the women involved in this sketch were aware of what these guys were up to”

Wow. So do we appoint you Minister of Wrongthink, so you can make sure people are fired for The Right Reasons?

No one has accused children of having good taste.

I just buy whatever clothes I don’t have whenever the stock changes, whether or not I’m going to wear it.

No, Ace mode is “don’t play.”

Button combo. Camera option is to pan around campgrounds.

Not in this one, you only take a loan if you upgrade your camper. You aren’t saddled with debt without input.

I take the seed from Columbia and Mexico,

Stashless Hitler looks kinda like Lovecraft.

C’mon, get with the Progressive Program. Repeat after me: everything is racist. Everything is sexist. If it exists, there’s something wrong with it. We are the arbiters of fun, and we say thee nay.