
Well screw ‘em, then. The Duck Tales comparison is not a slam, it’s a compliment.

Get over it? Oh, gracious no - we’re loving every fucking second of it.

You know what’s funny?

As well they should, for the reason JackRabbitSlim323 puts forth.


“You beat our hockey team. We picked your president. We’ll call that even, comrades.”

Nah, I like the convenience.

Do you really want “action heroes” being realistic? I don’t generally want realism anywhere near my action movies., that’s actually not “pretty good.”

We DO in fact know, and Revan is a dude. That being said - we’re talking about an imaginary person, and if straight guys are still going to fantasize about banging Tracer, there’s no reason you can’t have a female Revan. Rock thusly onward.

They’re canon and they’re FUCKING AWESOME.

I do recall the phrase being used in both ways in the 80s. 

1100 AD Commercial: Verily, knave! I am cuckolded for Ye Puffs of Cocoa, A Substance Of Which We Know Nothing About Yet In This Year Of Our Lord 1100, Proving Conclusively That Thou Art A Witch Who Can See The Future!

You have a right to SAY what you want. You have no right to be HEARD.


How about “These 9 Titles Encourage Players To Commit Suicide?”

“although she might be able to be the female Steven Segal if she’s willing to be that lowbrow.”

Because people don’t want to watch healthy food being cooked, they want to watch something decadent and yummy being cooked.

I remember the uproar over “Watching Paint Dry.” The story it was based on starred Burnt Umber, and in the film the lead was played by Eggshell.

I know what I can say to someone like you...