“I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things.”
“I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things.”
Airman, I’m going to need you to go get me a left-handed one of those. And about fifty yards of flight line. Chop chop.
Hey, we have to pass it to find out what’s in it.
“How the fuck would a Commander-In-Chief request a report from the Air Force and get a “no” in response?”
Since when does a Jedi need such mundane things like training? Rey learned through osmosis.
There’s that progressive spirit! Tolerant of everything except a differing opinion. Imma donate to the RNC in your name, brah. Maybe the NRA, too.
Yes, they HAVE jobs. If they don’t want to do those jobs, they won’t have them.
Eh. Gender identity does match expression in the vast majority of cases. If I’m not correct in my assumption, I’ll call someone by whatever pronoun he or she likes, but it’s not common enough that I feel the need to change my everyday behavior.
How long do you think these things stay on, anyway?
“Humanity Hates Trump.”
Top Gear, yeah. Go ahead.
Not sure how big the map actually is, it looks like maaaaybe Epic figures would work....
He means “did the author make the files freely available for anyone to use.” That way you can get your own copy and print it off yourself if you have access to the necessary equipment.
Shredding the Genestealer menace in Space Hulk: Deathwing.
Like what? “Jesus spotted in Hoboken wearing a MAGA hat?”
We need a really good, overwrought pasta about how a hacker is going to utterly destroy your life because you disagreed with him on a forum post and he has the four numbers that identify you - your IP address, and then at the end he reveals that he has a address for you, then he “unleashes hell.”
Remember - when Trump “wasn’t going to accept the results of the election” it was unamerican, treasonous, JUST PLAIN WRONG!
On the other hand, there’s a damn good reason that “just vanilla” is the most popular ice cream flavor.
I’m not. I don’t share the opinion that all life is always valuable. I think all life starts out equally valuable, but there are a few things you can do to invalidate your own worth. Oddly enough, they tend to align with what can get you assigned the death penalty.
Alas, too late I hereby introduce you to the concept of “don’t be a dick.”