
Yes, and he said as much. Keep up.

I watched it on DVD back when it was first released. I cannot recall a single, solitary plot point.

Because we’re living in The Feels Society now. Your Feels are the most important thing in the world, and if anyone disrespects or disregards your Feels, that person is officially equal to Hitler and should be treated as such.

Ehhhh...I dunno. Okay, so it looks a little different. At the end of the day, you’re still just jerking off.

I loved that SO DAMN MUCH.

“Good” is pushing it.

Not only do I disagree with it, but I’m triggered as well.

You remember why Rauner got elected, right?

I was really puzzled a few weeks back when “OM EFFING GEE! IT’S A SPATE OF MURDERING LESBIAN CHARACTERS!!!!!” happened.

Would I crowdfund it? Psht. No. I donate to charities, not video game developers.

Married?!?! Oh, honey, no...

...and that’s the sort of tolerant, progressive thinking I come to expect from this place. Hate-a-chu, I choose YOU!

I’ve beaten a boss twice, and then promptly got shot to hell two rooms into the second floor. I can’t finish the first boss with more than a half heart of life, so...yeah.

The other hand is that if you DO create a crappy trans/non-white/female character, valid criticism is drowned out by the same “transphobia/racism/sexism” screaming.

Juggle or jiggled?

Yeah, it’s an “oh, the CEO’s kid needs a job...crap...let’s make something up. ‘VP of Diversity’ sounds good” job.

Always a fun reminder that America’s liberals are tolerant of everything but a differing opinion.

I’ll eat peanut M&Ms, but I don’t enjoy them nearly as much as plain. That said, I’m going to try both Chili and Coffee. I don’t drink much coffee - and the coffee I do drink has to be fru-fru’d to the point where you can’t really call it coffee any more - but I love coffee flavoring.

aaaand...I want...I want...ooh! Syndrome...and Aladdin...and Captain Hook...Alice...Ariel and Ursula...Mr. Incredible...Buzz...the alien...Maleficent...Genie...the rest can go hang.

QUIET, fool! They’ll hear you! That’s like asking “where are the My Little Pony minifigs”