
On the other hand, I’m not terribly fascinated by the story of a 20-year-old female college student in the midst of a “finding herself” life crisis that can only be solved by sleeping with a middle-aged man, either.

If that’s all it would take to get you to leave a fiancee, you’re going to live a lonely life.

“I think you are underestimating how much time and effort goes into making video content and how little most of them make.”

I demand a Kickstarter for a titanium version.

I think we need something similar with naked women. Because frankly I have absolutely no interest in dick pics, and lots of interest in the female form.

Pearl-clutching? TRIGGER WARNING!

“I was going to stop that guy from beating the other guy to death, but then I stopped and thought. I had to understand. I had to look at it from his point of view - how was he supposed to get his money to have clothes to go to school? And I backed off. Surely, that guy on the ground deserved it.”

I enjoyed the game from the start and absolutely fell in love once I got out of Agroprom. You folks who have played it - you know what I mean.

As is Ghostbusters, and yet here we are.

It’s cute how people keep thinking “oh, THIS will be what finally takes down Donald Trump, for sure!”

Man that makes me feel old. The second PC game I ever owned was Starflight, back in 1986.

Ha! I still have that behemoth sitting here. I don’t know why, but I do.

To refine further: “Your opinion is different than mine, which is OBVIOUSLY the correct one (you fucking idiots), therefore I shall belittle you and mock you and shame you for thinking differently.”

Don’t think for one second that the other parents aren’t complaining about your little special snowflake being the reason all the other kids in the class can’t have X. My kid isn’t peanut intolerant, but LORD do I hear the other parents bitch about the kid who is.

You’re part of the problem, friend.

A cameo wouldn’t hurt their poor, privileged asses.

Love the epic boobage, but hot DAMN does Brock look spot on.

Frankly, Kesha *should* be kept in a state of non-music, because she’s terrible. I’m not down with this particular reason for that happening, though.

I don’t mind the Pixel movement, it’s when it gets to the “Shitty Quake Graphics” stage (like this one) when it goes from sorta charming to “this crap was fine when it was the only thing available, but...”

Aaaaaand your more impressive fancy resume can be seen where?