
Were you pregnant during your time in the military? If so, how did the rest of your group deal with your pregnancy?

We might be willing to compromise on the price point if we get games that don’t need massive Launch Day patches just to work.

I would hope he’d know, it’s his chamber after all.

That’s pretty badass. Nice!

Because Social Justice. That’s the reason.

Perhaps he’s going to steal the deed to the ranch and throw Scarlet Witch on the railroad tracks.

So, any word on protests due to lack of diversity?

Nope. Ask the French when the “surrender” jokes will go away and you’ll have your answer.

You’re not “mankind!”

“I, Starscream, now LEAD THE DECEPTICONS!”

The Lego set is a nice representation, but I still think the Ecto-2 (it ain’t Ecto-1, no matter what anybody says) doesn’t look good.

Yep, and next are kitchen knives, apparently, because those are SO SCAWWY TOO.

If I were a *skeptical* fellow, I’d make a few guesses as to why there was such a landslide...

It is indeed, and the only people who make homophobic connotations are people who are specifically looking for there to be a homophobic connotation.

Oh, you need to. Inject a little madness into your life.

Nope. “Making a man with blonde hair and a tan” loses every bit of “taboo” it engendered (ha!) when it’s sung by a woman.

“I’d be open to any ethnicity,” CBS president Glenn Geller had said.

We can’t even get reparations discussed in Congress.

Indeed they did. And you could get a LOT of different lines by talking to the painting. Man, that was a fun game. Bustin’ DID make me feel good.

Fuck yeah, unions! Piss, whine, moan, and go on strike because you can’t get a $30 an hour raise each and every year!