It's like here where I live. Road Safety rules are created by politicians and wannabes who don't drive, who doesn't commute and has no idea whatsoever of what the real world is going through each day on their way to work.
It's like here where I live. Road Safety rules are created by politicians and wannabes who don't drive, who doesn't commute and has no idea whatsoever of what the real world is going through each day on their way to work.
I just thought a good story deserves variant interpretations or versions, depends on who's telling it. Even Anime does that with their Manga parents.
Sssssh. The rubber maid might be from a training facility . . .for what purposes we have yet to guess . . .
I would love to add something, but too many mangoes in one thread might not be a good idea, hee-hee! Oh, I would want to read the Hulk Critic blog too. These stuff makes for good reading.
Just like when I decided to see/watch "The Fall", I was utterly clueless of what about to unfold. My sci-fi is, I realized, just limited to what I stumble upon, or something that caught my curiosity at booksales, a suggestion from a friend, or something remembered from my somewhat slowly fading memories of youth. I…
Well, yes I agree. I have yet to see the movie though. Makes the waiting more exciting.
I think the word "publishing" refers to all media forms, nowadays.
Well, he said Simian.
Modern Mythrill.
Yes, 2000AD is violence-begets-violence, and much more. It also featured oddities and strangely, some humorous issues, like the giant-whatsis-name-hick. But all in all, I'm gunning for this movie.
It was cool, scary, cool, scary. And at :44 my jaws dropped.
There were a few issues, and darn it, I forget who did the writing and the art, but it was all in pen & ink, and mayhem without the usual comics "kerrang!" and "snikt!" but it was really a good read. Would love to see that on film.
I think I still have that black and white comics around somewhere . . . . .
Having worked at Toei Animation, this is not so far-out now that I think about it. Yup. It works!
Ha ha ha! Nailed it.
Been missing the main man Lobo for quite sometime. Now, I have nothing against Liefeld's style, but I think something's missing here . . . .
I knew something was up. This was when Debbie Harry went solo? Must be. And it all comes back. Saw this on some filler music video during my elementary days. Dang, forgot about this one.
That must be it. I keep telling myself " Am I the only 40something here who does not really mind what the new Peter Parker will be on this movie? " I mean, when I was, oh about 15 till 19, my thoughts of self preservation runs in many ways like they what portrayed Petey here, from what I've seen on trailers and…
Whew! Thanks. I guess I have to make my comments or queries a bit more engaging from now on.
Oh, and I thought I was really tagged as a "troll". I don't mind the new way of things. It's how I adapt. If only my employers knew about how I "faked " my way into jobs I have absolutely no knowledge of . . . but anyway, #obsrvationdeck is now #Kinja, if I guess correctly?