Well, Gurney should be promoted. After all, he did stay with the Atreides till the end. Looks good. Even better when he ditched the scant hair and went all skinhead.
Well, Gurney should be promoted. After all, he did stay with the Atreides till the end. Looks good. Even better when he ditched the scant hair and went all skinhead.
Aya Brea is my gaming date every time. Gaming days are over, replaced by work. Like you, I still like to hang around game sites.
Woodcut art. The sinister tone on animals are unfair though. It;s the humans who keep butting in on their territory. You'd lose your cool, too.
Yup. I hear you.
I. Am. Seriously. Unnerved. Please give me back my sanity. I want to have my wits about me when TDKR finally comes around a theater near me.
We would have to ask for their Statement of Assets And Liabilities, just to be sure.
Nah. Just the gooey stuff all Alien movies seem to have enywhere.
Yep. And I'm fortunate to have been with TOEI Animation and worked on it during that time Discovery was in production. Which only discloses what a real geek I am.
Tyrell (Blade Runner) [Tyrell Corp.]
Ah . . ah . . I think I just drooled on my keyboard.
You must understand, what some people think of as "jungle adventure" is something we lived day to day in our youth. Raise yer fists for Promdis! Yeaaah!
Noomi is having fun, though. She was badass in "Holmes'.
I have had this feeling when I stepped in that smelly old theater in my youth, and we cut class just to see ALIENS on the big screen, that the world is actually a playground for God, the Devil and Ridley Scott and I was taking Scott's side in all of this. This is monstrous. I love it. And yes, that siren/banshee wail…
When I want some spaced-out music . . .
Life finds a way . . . .
But that is still 12 inches on the thickest girth, and the battle that ensued must have been captivating . . . and horrific.
Schwiiiinnnnggg! oh wait, that was from another movie. I get confused sometimes . . .
Maybe we are the only ones to actually have watched the episodes on the tube?
I digress but, try this: Google "asians" and you'd expect all of us look like schoolgirls with "well rounded personalities" and "bouncy disposition". hee-hee!
Darn. Now this will look a bit odd and pervy from now on . . .