So you’re saying only Real benefitted from bad calls over those two games? Non-existent penalty 1st leg. Robben dive second leg, Ronaldo offside second leg. Lewa offside to own goal second leg. Let’s gloss over what actually happened and talk about Franco. Any dolt would know Atletico was favoured by Franco.
Why didn’t they follow the ref after that penalty in the first leg?
That second one was not offside. Don’t know how they can make that call.
This one isn’t, the other was.
Pique is that you?
And the offside own goal and the Robben dive?
Let’s see that contact.
Are you an even dumber version of Billy. Vidal was sent off for an accumulation of bad fouls.
Because Marcelo was moving faster than Ronaldo he had already passed him by the time he released the ball. To make issue with Real’s goals yet not make an issue with two offside passes on Bayern second goal is sheer stupidity and click baitey.
Despite what the still show, Ronaldo was not offside on that second goal. Remember Marcelo was moving faster than he was and by the time he released the ball, he was ahead of Ronaldo.
Certainly agree that Ronaldo’s first goal was offside. However, Robben clearly dived and he should’ve been carded on that. On both passes for the Ramos own goal, Bayern players were offside. Vidal deserved to be sent off much earlier. So let’s take away the two Bayern bad calls leading to goals and take away the…
I like a nice, attention grabbing headline. Bonus points if at first glance it’s just a random collection of things that almost look like real words.
No, because no matter where the defenders are, you’re not offside if you’re behind the ball when it’s played. As the still photo shows, he’s only a fraction ahead of the ball (although way beyond the last defender).
I don’t think that second one was offside. He looked even with the ball, to me, when the pass was made and even is not offside.
Did we not see the first “penalty” on Robben? It screams world cup against Mexico all over again
After Barcelona and PSG, it should be clear these games are fixed. Expect more dubious calls in Barcelona vs Juventus which coincidentally see Barcelona through.
Rigged. The referees paid off. That is the only explanation for that game.
Correct me if I am wrong, but that second goal is not offside, as both offensive players are behind the last defensive player?