
Doesn’t Messi play for Argentina. Or is that his useless Argentinian cousin Missi?

lost control and slammed into a pole.

Please add this bit:

Please add this bit:

The token black.

Buddha would be ok with that.

Some refs deserve it. But this was overboard.

Meanwhile Real Madrid can’t score to save their lives. Well score enough.

Carolina Potter works as a flight attendant, so immediately, she thought it made sense to start there—if he simply left, as they initially suspected, the thought was he’d go some place like an airport or a bus station

No! Doing all these things by taking his HGH weekly instead of daily.

Pick your poison

Ronaldo clocked 32km/h last season. That’s still pretty fast.

Apparently you don’t know math either. In Billy’s world that makes perfect sense.

2 Women juggling 1 cock yet they pass out. Hmmm

Isn’t it too soon for a German team to be knocking out Arsenal.

So it’s a bait and Switch.

So it’s a bait and Switch.

This bubble is about to burst. Time to move my money to mattress.

That’s the most impressive thing about the place. Everything is so neatly organised and clean.

Grand Theft Auto: San Dton