
No, she’s perfect. Once Betsy DeVos starts handing down Trump Approved curriculum, that teacher is the exact person you need to teach america’s children about the 6000 year old earth, or the time Jesus rode dinosaurs, or about the time all the nasty devil worshiping fetus selling scientists went to hell for teaching

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This is for those among us that think the rural Trump supporters will wake up and smell the coffee once they notice the factories aren’t coming back and now they cannot afford the cheap healthcare ACA granted them; here’s a woman crediting Donald Trump, president for all of two months who has yet to sign a single

Personally, I am looking forward to Donnie’s complete meltdown when he finds out our tax dollars only cover State dinners and all other food, drinks and toiletries get charged to him personally at prices above market. Past First Families have likened it to staying at a fancy hotel. That first monthly bill should be

Do you remember in Harry Potter when Voldemort was being really super mean to the Malfoy’s and you were like, “sucks to be y’all. Prolly shouldn’t have hung out with wizard Nazis.”


“We’ve even developed a new council with Canada to promote women’s business leaders and entrepreneurs. Very important to me, very important to my daughter, Ivanka. I have directed our defense community, headed by our great general, now Secretary Mattis. He’s over there now working very hard—to submit a plan for the

He sounds like my dad. My uneducated, unemployed, poor-ass racist, sexist, dad who mooched off my mom most of his life. The only difference is that 45* was born rich.

Arrested Development is a near perfect analogy for at least part of President* Trump’s family.

I’ll plug it in to Google for Idiot to English translation and get back to you.

I’m involved. I’ve been involved with this stuff all my life. But I’m involved. So I know when you are telling the truth or when you are not. I just see many, many untruthful things. I will tell you what else I see. I see tone. You know the word tone. The tone is such hatred. I’m really not a bad person, by the way.

I hear there are “secret black meetings” monthly in most major cities.

You ask this with a surprised tone. The answer is yes. He really does think all black people know each other. Also, they all look alike to him, too.

40% of Americans think he’s doing a great job.

Yeah. It’s like saying “never before have we seen more people interested in curing diseases than in 1918!”.

Does... he think all black people know one another?

“there’s ever been a president elected who in this short period of time has done what we’ve done.”

I hope it doesn’t come to this, but part of totalitarian “total domination” is the extermination of the entirely innocent from any part of the masses as part of destroying the identity of the people; if anyone can be exterminated at any moment, there is no difference between the innocent and guilty. Make no mistake,

By arresting her they’re ensuring that other undocumented victims of domestic abuse (or undocumented people in general) don’t use the legal system. Regardless of whether you think she should be here or not, making undocumented immigrants afraid to use the court system is going to make life more dangerous both for them

Exactly. This is idiotic from a public safety and health standpoint. We don’t want undocumented immigrants afraid of interactions with police, public health officials, social workers or school representatives for fear of being reported to ICE because it leads to negative social outcomes for all of us.

Speaking of diversity, this is a real thing: