Even better!
Even better!
He can act very well.
Oh boy yes I have. Brilliant stuff.
I swear that Margin Call and All is Lost had to have made money for their budget expectations. They were both in theaters for forever where I live.
Completely agree.
Two of his three films got Oscar nominations. If he can't get funding what fucking hope is there. Jesus.
I'm not objecting. I don't have any personal opinion on the word at all. I'm merely noting that journalism style guides generally forbid the term outside of discussing the hockey team.
Yes, yes, yes, agreed!
Well it came up because of the Trump pee video memo. We were discussing it the day after it broke and she didn't know what it meant.
It was.
Go on …
Fuuuuuuuuuuck. That royally sucks. He is so goddamned talented.
Fuck. Yes.
Would that I could like this at least 20 more times.
Only for the French speakers. The rest are just Ketchup Chip Eaters or Unusually Fond of Doughnuts.
Literally everyone knows a few things more than Trump. Which isn't intended as an insult against The Rock. More it just felt like it needed to be said. Again.
It makes me glad that apparently a bunch of people thought the University of Michigan's mascot was a fictional animal. Like really glad.
They just know that he killed a shitload of brown people and still gets to be on money and that sounds great to them.
Copyediting tests always have you eliminate the word Canuck. But I guess the AVC has no copy editor.