Apparently one of the people on the wall in episode one was Jewish, which I either failed to notice or didn't recontextualize in the wake of revelations that Gilead is not racist (but is apparently antisemitic).
Apparently one of the people on the wall in episode one was Jewish, which I either failed to notice or didn't recontextualize in the wake of revelations that Gilead is not racist (but is apparently antisemitic).
This. This. This.
You know, I was willing to cut the showrunners a lot of slack on that, because it brought more Samira Willey into my life. But the more worldbuilding they do the less Gilead's lack of racism works.
Yes the Jews were invited to convert or move to Israel. But then the epilogue reveals that after a while many of the people on Israel-bound ships were just dumped in the ocean and left for dead in a "shipwreck," because one of the commanders realized it was much cheaper.
Has that happened on the show yet?
Yeah the message from the Mexican ambassador is seriously misguided worldbuilding that in a fucked up way seems like kind of a justification of Gilead. I am not a fan of this new worldbuilding.
Is it?
Yeah there are ways to turn this into fallout from environmental racism. But I also doubt that it is anything more than poorly thought out worldbuilding for the sake of shock.
I'm all mixed up about what to call her.
I also have a perverse desire to see that janky bunny outfit.
Ding! Ding! Ding! It makes no sense under any scrutiny.
Book Commander is old and Offred describes him as "daddyish." He's a sexist pig, but kind of in a pathetic old man way. Making him and SJ young makes him seem way more capable of dangerous lashing out.
Oh that's the absolute truth. It's just weird to see a bunch of science hating ultra conservatives talking about climate change.
As much as I love LOST all the way to the end, I do not think that structure would work for this show AT ALL.
I agree with you that the show's internal logic is starting to wear thin. But my prescription would be to go narrow again with a tight focus on Offred's life.
The attention paid to environmental concerns by the Gilead regime is shocking to say the least.
If the show moves too far away from fertility not being The Point, I have to confess that it will probably be ruined for me.
Thanks. I assumed prayer for conception but then saw someone last night describe it as Bible quoting foreplay.
Yeah I think this was stronger than last week's ridiculous joy ride.
It looks like blue to me. More teal or aquamarine, but definitely blue. And the Marthas are wearing drab green, which is as described in the book.