
BINGO. Everything I’ve seen this morning keeps saying ‘What’s wrong with Zeke? What’s wrong with the Cowboys?’. And outside of the Denver Post (natch), hardly anything says ‘holy shit, did you see that Denver defense?’

Dallas should punish him by suspending him 6 games.

Honestly, it’s kind of the same thing I saw in the Super Bowl where the Denver defense just absolutely removed an entire team’s (Carolina) will to live.

Isn’t “getting a championship” the only legitimate reason you need?

Not a single thing excessive about this. If your team can’t behave in a civilized manner then you don’t get to complain when you are treated like a mob. Good for the 1 or 2 cops controlling the 30-40 people here.

Linda Cohn was suspended for criticizng her employer.

One day, a batter’s going to take offense to this and beat the fuck out of a pitcher with a bat.

As a fan, I will say better now than Oct. 11. This has not exactly been a great three weeks BUT every NL playoff team right now has big question marks themselves, so it’s not like all hope is lost. The key is to get back hot at the right time.

Daily reminder that Bob Ley is a national treasure.

I’m sure this is all well and good for him, but if he really wants to make the Olympic Ski Team, might I suggest he practice skiing instead?

Charcoal is wonderful, but you know what else is pretty good? Turning a knob, pressing a button, and having a hot grill ten minutes later and then not having to deal with a cauldron of ashes a couple hours after the meal. That’s decent, too.

I’ll take a “thoroughly average offense” compared to last year’s thoroughly incompetent offense. I think they’re better than average, though I need a few more games before getting too giddy - the OL, while much improved, is still pretty shaky.

No no no, this can’t be the last year of it. I’ve had a great time enjoying the combination of awful defense, questionable “I’m Sean Payton and I’m a genius” playcalling, and the continued late-season degradation of Drew Brees’ passing ability. It’s a darn good time.

Brees needs to type “Canton” into his GPS, and get on the bus and the hell away from this team.

My cousin was killed by her abusive boyfriend on Super Bowl Sunday 25 years ago after a fight. I fucking hate seeing stories like this so goddamn much.

I wonder how many women stay in abusive relationships because they see stories like this and think “A restraining order won’t stop a bullet.” Fucking tragic on every level.

I hope the families of the victims are able to find peace at some point. Just terrible.

We got too many hillary fan girls on this website, dont forget that. Actin like she’s not responsible for how dumb she is and all the terrible shit she’s done

Lmfao oh but your better huh? Go hug a tree or look for a job, sad sack. Im not pretending im anything, said nothin about myself dumb ass. You sound like a sad person. I just called it like everyone sees it. But ill sleep wonderful knowing you still cry yourself to sleep that your hero hillary isn’t president
