
Fantastic, perhaps. Informative, no.

Is this a recent idea? That it was a cultural milestone? Daria was important to a lot of people, even if not to you. As for thinking she was smarter than everyone else in the room, she absolutely was, most of the time. But the show went to lengths to show that being the smartest in the room doesn’t always get you

What’s wrong with Daria exactly?

Check out Doom Patrol. Brendan Fraser is one of the main characters. Its only 3 episodes in but I like it.... It is a kind of weird show though.

Honestly, now that Affleck is out as Batman, Fraser should step into the role.

LOL. You’re defending someone who committed abuse on her set, abuse that included racial abuse, and then tried to pressure another woman to do nudity and god knows what else on her set, so much so that the other woman left the show, and I’m the MRA? You’re a fucking piece of work, dude. Truly. You are one genuine

I saw Green Book after learning that the white guy’s son wrote the book and after a reading a lot of criticism that it’s from the white guy’s perspective/it’s not woke enough/etc. and it really influenced how I saw the film.

Why does Three Billboards keep getting roped into these discussions? It’s a film about police brutality, not race—although the two are often connected in real life, they aren’t in the movie. Secondly, it’s a fucked up black comedy where none of the characters are intentionally pure evil or pure good; it ends with the

You’re right. Originally with Sacha Baron Cohen as Holmes and Ferrell as Watson. He had 10 years to prepare that goddamn accent.

An F! A glorious F! It’s a Christmas miracle! Thank you, St. Ignatiy! Thank you for the amount and depth of film and literary history to a pan of economics-driven filmic shovelware! I didn’t expect to learn about the provenance of Sherlock Holmes adaptations and original texts. 

Huh, what’s this in response to?

Sexual harassment gets you fired. It is against most company policies. So, yeah, it can be a career-ender and it should be. Have you actually experienced sexual harassment in the workplace? Because I have and it was traumatizing.

Mandy, Hereditary, Black Panther, Review, Halloween (The Shape Returns is what I’m calling it now) all have brilliant soundtracks. Suspiria? That one was a monumental disappointment for me and is only part of the reason that film was such a letdown. The last thing I expected/wanted was something so ordinary and for

You are deliberately obtuse and it’s annoying from all the way over here.

The woman. The woman has more rights because she’s an actual person, not a potential one. Think of it this way: even corpses have to give consent for you to use their organs. Why should a woman have less rights than a corpse?

And what, exactly, is wrong with them proving the point? They don’t need to prove it to blacks, obviously. They need to prove it to other whites.

As an old-school Marvel Zombie, I have to admit to being a bit verklempt at the way his passing is being mentioned and honoured by pretty much the whole world, instead of just the comics industry and fans.  That’s a true legend.


Sorry we disagree. I never premeditatedly grade something, though. Thanks for reading.

"I could envision the horrible, horrible female that was singing it"