
The bigger question is if it will even be charged when its given to you. Rentals have quick turnaround times. They usually get a quick wipedown, a run through the carwash, top upmthe tank, andmits given to somebody else. There isnt time to do full charges. Its a stupid idea to rent electrics. 

Of course dealer groups are getting larger. The cost of business is huge for such small margins. Manufacturers are demanding showrooms separate for each brand, as well as service. And they must be remodeled to the latest design prototype. Mom and pops cant really compete with those demands. Even some of the larger

I goes into a money-losing subway and mobile homeless bathroom system, and putting in all those stupid bike lanes in. Like taxes, the money never goes for what its supposed to. 

Seriously? A local traffic report, and one overhyped at that? No wonder you've been running craploads of old articles lately. Youve run out of stuff to steal from other places and write about. 3 hours isnt even that bad! I've been in worse than that around DC. 

1. When it has a german badge on it.

Bullshit. Your article is absolute 100% Bullshit. How do I know? I live around DC and drive the Beltway twice a day. The increase from the trucks isnt even noticeable. Its still much less than prepandemic levels. Who IS screwing up traffic? The cops, who on illegal orders from the stupid mayor are closing highway

There are TONS of these things around DC. I know they have lots of issues with the turbos. They also get pretty crappy mileagefor thier size. 

They should make it permanent. It would cut down on lots of sicknesses like colds and flus. In some cities, you need a full hazmat suit to stay clean. Public transit is disgusting and dangerous. Its hard to see people even wanting to go back. 

Germany shows how STUPID the whole green energy movement is. Lack of power, lack of heat, lackmof fuel. Germany srillmjas plenty of coal in the ground. And they got rid of nuclear. And we and ths EU should listen to them why? The EU was just Germany winningbthe war 40 years later. Idiots. 

See where your STUPID leftist ideology and politicians get us, Jalopnik writers? This is what heppenscwhen you vote Democrat. Gas was already heading up from Jabrock Obiden’s incompetence, but his international weakness and poor decisions led to this. Lets Go Brandon!

They are utter garbage. People know the poor rep they have and don’t want to deal with having it in the shop all the time or put up with the epic depreciation. If you can even find somewhere to buy one. The local Alfa dealer here went bye-bye when the Fiat dealer did.

Probably a battery fire. Loads of ID4s reported to be on board.

You’re just mad the NYT is moving in on Jalopnik’s territory of providing poor automotive information, bad takes, and writers as dumb as a rock.

It should have been spelled POSsat. Had one as a rental. A base model subcompact was a nicer car. 

Whoever writes the titles and posts these on Facebook is a moron. The title for this otherwise fine post was “The Passat is dead. Long live the Passat.” Obviously, they don’t understand the context, nor understand English. The Passat can’t live long, it’s already dead!   

Lets be real here. The loss of the permits had less to do with environmentalist crap than it did with the deportation of Jokovic from the Australian open. The fact theh issued the permits to begin with, and the impact financially it would make tells us that.  

Those engines are LOUD. Even with the hush kits installed, such as on this plane. Used to be one that flew around here to test flight radar equipment owned by a defense contractor. It sounded like a fighter jet.

Will their gigantic asses even FIT in one of those.

LETS GO BRANDON! This ia what happens when you stupis commies win elections. You morons, ww told you with the rising minimum step forward, two steps back. Now you are worse off than before. Thata what you get for electing in the geriatric ward ans loony bin like AOC inro office. Learn your lesson for 2022

Sorry, but you picked the wrong place to write about cars. They don’t do that at Jalopnik. Its all lately about politics, and particularly bad takes on communism and socialism. You also have to write with the intelligence level of a 5th grader, which I can tell you obviously exceed just by reading this post. You also