
Racing at that level is a business. That business is advertising. No eyeballs means no money. The ROI of Formula E is nonexistent, as it has become for many race series. Racing overall aint what it used to be. There are too many other distractions. Young people in particular dont want to sit down on a nice Saturday

Pretty much all of GM since the 70s. Or the “merger of equals” Chrysler/Daimler merger. That one ruined two car companies.

Not likely to happenn for anti-trust and strategic defense reasons. 

Id say the biggest mistake was the brits allowing VW to be rebuilt after the war at all, or not to have a least a huge stake in it as war reparations.   It eventually cost them their auto industry, as the Germans pretty much own most of it and ended up essentially killing Rover and stripping the only brand really

Giz sites are a celebration of failure. The site design (Kinja) is a bloated non-working failure. The business model is a failure. The writers even failed to get a better job somewhere credible, and fail to kmow the simplest things about the topics they write illiterate tomes on. Giz knows failure.

Special effects were a lot easier to pull off for TV back in the day. The relatively low res of the screen and the refresh rate made stuff like this, and the makeup, easy to pull off. Modern 4k HDTV and faster frame rates look fake. Makeup is especially difficult now.

This thing is rolling scrap. Taking on another failed project car isnt being cheap. Along with the other fleet of rubbish, maybe time to sell them all to the junk yard and buy one decent reliable car that won’t bleed your wallet dry every time it has a hiccup. That means no more VWS. Or, youbcan take the other scrap

Not racist at all. You are racist for thinking that.

Nobody that possess even the smallest level of intelligence gives a shit about “diversity” on a board, or pretty much anywhere else. Only the mentally ill leftists think its important. Because they foolishly subscribe to equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. The real world don’t work like that, genius. Its

Phoning it on again? The ignorance level in this is higher than usual. First, the whole “ban dossil fuels” thing is just dumb and totally unrealistic. Its not possible now, and it wont be in 20 years. The emphasis should be switching ice vehicles to CNG, which is cheap, plentiful, clean, and partly renewable.

You assume too much. The writers here are lazy and incredibly ignorant. 

Most of the issues are batteries, which is why EVs have constantly failed before, and will continue to do so. Long term, they just dont work. But with some of these vehicles, Tesla in particular, its because they are poorly designed and poorly built pieces of shit. They shouldnt be onnthe road.

This is what the new Blazer should have looked like...

Simple, adopt more favorable tax rates for the industry and it wont go anywhere. They ars worried too much about BREXIT. And as soon as the deal is inked with Britain to maintain the existing trade, other countries, like France and Italy will bow out, too. The EU is how the Germans finally won WWII, and the stupid

Tesla-Considering the relatively tiny amount of cars they produce, its just another example, among dozens now, of just how poorly they are designed and assembled. These are mistakes that cannot happen, especially given the cost of the vehicles. Teslas are junk.

Hmmm. Mysterious electrical fire in a propulsion unit requiring an expensive relacement. Is this a Tesla? 

Too bad Trump will be sworn in again in January, and now GM will be on his shit list.

Taycan't drive, apparently. 

More ignorant leftist inequality shit using baked statistics and not exploring the underlying data or reasoning. 

It won't do any good because its 95% ignorant bullshit. Hes clueless about ecologies.