
In a couple of years, they’re gonna have to have an automotive version of CES called...

Wrenching on cars is all about maintenance and improving what you got. Internal combustion engines had a good run but eventually they will be replaced with something more technological and probably better for the environment. So until that day comes along, I can’t wait to plug and play a new engine into my a 2004 Front

Prediction: CES 2019 will be the year that autonomous car startups will underpromise and still somehow underdeliver.

Yep. I’m that typical ‘1 person in a truck, without anything in the back’ right now because the truck is more disposable then my sports car. But a commuter nissan leaf is in my near future.

Yes, but I’m talking about the Jalopnik staff based in New York, who mention they don’t actually drive everyday or need to. When they do drive, it’s for leisure. Not really what the rest of the country is like.

There are a lot of Escalades (a Silverado station wagon essentially) in Manhattan.

You live and work in Manhattan and don’t drive everyday, I can see why you don’t get full-size pickup trucks.

That’s about $17,000 usd. NP.

I went to Bulgaria as part of my MBA program last Fall. Nothing about this story surprises me. That place was the wild west of organized crime and various scams in the early 90s. There were unfinished buildings everywhere - construction having gotten far enough where the principal could raise money from outside,

In theory, if you gets rates correct, you can avoid recessions or at least severally reduce them. Imagine if the economy hadn’t collapsed in ‘08 but just grew slower previously to that. Prior to the fed the US swung back and forth between deep recessions and huge booms. That variation isn’t good for business. Slow and

I’m of the mindset that if Trump leaves office, whether it be my impeachment, getting put in jail for Russia shit, or even leaving on his own accord, the plan was always to get two years out of him so they could just drop in Pence instead of having another election. The Muller stuff just so happens to be hitting

Visibility? Where we’re going, we don’t need... Visibility...

looking rather chunky from the side, with a tall beltline

Ultimately though, I have to think that if you’re going to drive a 25 year old BMW, having one in the most basic, taxi-grade specification isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There should be less expensive things to break and go wrong, and its still the same chassis and the performance deficit isn’t going to be hugely

Neat fine... but not as neat as you might think if you are only familiar with US BWMs.

Have you never bought a used BMW before?  That’s less sketchy then most sellers.

Replace hoses and fluids and check suspension bushings and you should be good to go.

This started out at 16 cars back in 1994 and a newspaper ad

“Collectible 5 Series BMW’s. Very Rare! Price Firm! No Lowballers! I Know What I’ve Got!

And at some point the ad didn’t transition over to Craigslist or the guy died still holding out for that firm price.