
We may be seeing more PHEVs. It got lost in the headlines, but back in August 2022, CARB updated the rules that encourage more strong* PHEVs starting with the 2026 model year (that’s about a year-and-a-half away).

Yup. A mass-market PHEV crossover / SUV is a market segment that is largely ignored, even today.

The vehicle part of developing a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle you can live with is challenge, but that’s the easy part. The hard part is the hydrogen fueling infrastructure. We were actually looking into demoing one of these in the Bay Area a few weeks ago, then Shell announced they were closing a dozen hydrogen fueling

LS all the things, indeed.

Yes, my friend has a Mirai. He said it’s $18/gallon equivalent. Thankfully, he leased it.

This. Well-said.

Thanks for this. I was wondering the exact same thing. What’s the improved electric range?

BYD just launched a fully-electric version of this yesterday. The price? $15K.

Inspired by the mouth of a baleen whale? The taillights were inspired by melted eye makeup of an 80s glam rocker.

They don’t. At all.

This. Bring back sidewalls (and lower the belt line as a bonus).


Well-said. What is also missing from the article (other than facts/data), is how there are big car companies who aren’t slowing down no matter what we do politically: Tesla, Hyundai/Kia, and pick two or three of the best Chinese EV companies. We in the state can bicker all we want (and that’s part of the process).

This. And since Fisker went public via a SPAC, they didn’t face the same critique as an IPO.

So much this. Bring back tire sidewalls.

Yup. The OEMs have a vareity of tradeoffs to make when choosing a factory tire.

Good points. A 1946 Willys Wagon has also entered the chat.

The Big 3 can say whatever they want. We get it: they have a profitable business model selling us Americans big trucks and SUVs that we seemingly can’t get enough of.

Well-said, sir. Thank you.

Thank you for this sane, balanced response.