
You mean fuel cells aren’t the path to the future?

There probably is some deeply-engrained pro-engine culture there. The CVCC deserved its accolades, but that was decades ago.

Not sure why this is news. Chevy already said they would do an electric Silverado. No surprise GMC will have an electric version, the Sierra, with a different grill and more markup.

Legal to buy and sell, but might not be legal in the finance world to deposit the proceeds.

They did. Toyota hired five outside designers who all hated each other, blindfolded them, and gave them each a ruler and one of those protractor combos from the 3rd grade. They then put each of the five designs onto transparent paper and stacked them on top of each other.

Why not all of the above, including EVs? I love cars, but this begs the question of what is the best long-term way for us and our crap to move around. I’m a capitalist, but the “privatize the profits and socialize the ills” is not working here.

You do you, David. We and the world thank you for it.

Do you like movies about gladiators?

A Subaru once rolled through our neighborhood with a customized license plate: “SUBPZEV.” I laughed so hard, that I fell down.

who, exactly, wants a PHEV Jeep in America.

Istanbul, not Constantinople?

What is the “range electric paradigm breaker?” It’s separate from BEV on the slide. Some kind of PHEV? BEVx range extender? A fancy kitchen cooktop (/s)?

And the second-gen X5 45e PHEV has nearly double the electric range.


The PHEV Explorer... built in Chicago today, exported to Europe. Ha!

So the group of designers recently fired by Toyota got scooped up by BMW? Wie gesehen, das ist aber nicht so ganz toll.

What, no Jeep?

Spent two years in Philly and loved it... Philly is so much this. No matter what “group” one might get put into, never ever doubt the ability of Philadelphians of all flavors to unite against bullshit.

Whoa. Deeply touching story. RIP. I got a little teary reading it.

Just curious - have any studies been done on how people got around prior to their EV? If one was walking or biking or similar, an EV may feel like an awesome switch up. If not…