
Stolen license plates (or fake ones that attempt to replicate the paper inserts from a dealer) are a thing around here. 

In all fairness, you can have awful UI and a gas engine.


Hyundai-Kia is one of the OEMs to watch. 

Well, Hyundai has been clear about its multi-pronged strategy of plug-in hybrids, regular hybrids, full electrics, and even fuel cells.

Agree on the impact on payload with batteries versus fuel cell versus CNG/LNG versus diesel. However, the vehicle, utility, and charging folks are all working on charging standards that are significantly above a 250 kW Supercharger (see Charin). Test vehicles today are in the 500 kW to 750 kW range and the standard

I hope they have done the napkin math. BEVs that recharge back at the depot make a heck of a lot of sense. That basically leaves long-haul trucking, which in the U.S. anyway, the required rest times are largely the bottleneck, not the recharge times.

Perhaps. I look at it differently. The question that pops up is: “Of the top 25 best-selling vehicles in the U.S., how many have a plug-in option or equivalent?” Very few.

Thank you.

I hate subscriptions with the passion of a thousand suns, but they would probably get me on one that gave excellent outward visibility.

I’m right there with you. Remember when you could check your blind spot and actually see what other vehicles were around you, or look out the back/sides while backing up?

Just to be clear - there is a difference between the workers’ council and a union. Any company with five or more employees in Germany gets to have a workers’ council which has co-management rights - basically they have a say in decisions of the company.

We do “shadow studies” here in San Francisco as part of a portfolio of tests (like the well-intended, but often-abused CEQA) when a new (taller) building gets proposed. Then the project gets delayed or canceled. Then we complain about the lack of housing.

It’s supposed to be coming out later this year. Q4, I believe.

I’d subscribe to one thing: better outward visibility. And I’d pay upfront.

It won’t impact the numbers much due to the ‘footprint’ loophole. The footprint idea is up there with the car/truck and import/export designation. I’m looking at you PT Cruiser (truck) and Ford Crown Victoria (import).

And to Geely’s credit, they did it right: put good people in charge, invested money, and let Volvo do Volvo.