


I went through all the replies just to find this. I knew someone did it. Thank you.

Flex values are hard to truly evaluate now that manufacturers can also change where the kick point of the stick is, meaning where the stick should flex the most. Many forwards now use a lower kick point (easier and quicker to load the stick) for a quicker, snappier release while defensemen (or others who desire

Racing tech follows the law of diminishing returns very well. For every second you want to take off of a lap time, the cost of doing so will increase exponentially, so comparing the two car costs linearly is a bad argument. Also, 2.6% slower is a lot slower. 11 or 12 seconds is an eternity in lap time world (just

You don't know many liberals, do you? Cause they're not all godless, America-hating, communist, drug-using, welfare-taking, hippies. 85% just have different views than conservatives is all.

because those things are comparable...

Something something 24 HOURS OF LEMONS

Well in regards to football hits:

You know more than me? You don't know shit. There have been gay players in the NHL, there are gay players now, and there will be more gay players. They haven't come out about it, just like every single other sport.

Those are good players. There are many more that could be named. With the Jewish population barely above 1% in the US and Canada, it's not very surprising that a Jew hasn't made it among the ~250 players inducted into the hall of fame. About 4% of Americans identify as gay or bisexual so, strictly statistically

Steve Dubinsky, Mike Brown, David Elsner, Bobby and Eric Nystrom, Jeff Halpern, Mike Cammalleri, David Warsofsky, Matty Schneider... I could go on but you're a fucking idiot and a disgrace to the game and fans of hockey.

Because things wear down, break, encounter various harsh conditions, are used by humans, should be designed for some semblance of practicality and durability, etc.

because the most complicated solution is usually the best


Fair enough

One question: If you are constantly working so hard, how did you have time to comment on this thread a million times today?


You get recommended for the Talking Heads reference (AND I'M 22 AND NOT A HIPSTER, WHY DO I KNOW THAT?)

You seem like you'd be really fun to hang out with at parties...