Pro Scrabble Player

As a console / pc gamer this is a good thing the first 3 games were not good. The 3rd they learned a lot of lessons and improved greatly but still was not a great game. The 4th is when they made a real gem. 1 and 2 are absolute garbage and I don’t know why people like them I painfully went through them on the hardest

I wish I enjoyed Warhammer. 

 Man thats a lot of money for lil product. I feel bad for the backers but hey ignorance is bliss so they may be happy.

Came here to say the same thing. The fact this is all digital means none of us are going to miss out on anything. If its online it will be posted some where we can all see. 

For anyone not wanting to go through a slideshow.

We live in the worst timeline guys sorry to bring that up but its a fact. Imagine living in the timeline where Iwata is still doing his thing. ;( not to mention all the other garbage happening in this timeline.

Yo Ian, I ended up beating this game on legend in one long sitting but as someone who destroyed Super Ghouls N’ Ghosts on professional and have beat the other games this one is MUCH harder on legend. Id say Knight compares to the other games. There is a lot of RNG happening with spawns in resurrection which can just

Instead of thanking “God” you could thank the voters. 

Any good suggestions on games to beta test on steam? Im down but I went through the steam on Reddit and really did not find anything, there does not even seem to be a flair for it. 

The big selling point for me on a ps5 is does it not have loading times like they are claiming? Im a big pc gamer but if this is the case with the ps5 im down to jump on it with the exclusives they have. Its just weird how its not talked about at all when its revolutionary.

Will you be able to choose between Japanese and English voice actors? The English is nice but I would like to stick with the Japanese.

What gets me are these are still allegations, meaning we still do not have proof and this could all be false. Running off that alone seems pretty gross, unless im missing something.

This was pretty well placed.

So does thing really not have loading times?

What I would do for a new God Hand. I like how he says Final Fight 4 was crap and he hated that so he went onto make God Hand which was such a fantastic tank control fighting game. Once you get it down damn does it feel good. 

I was but a weeee child but the title screen of Zombies eat my neighbors mixed with the music and the zombies “biting” me while I try to save everyone had my heart beating. The dolls though, god those dolls. 

Not the buzzfeed next page format ;( nooooooo

I guess its more weird that there are huge groups of people who don’t drink any sort of Soda now days. Coffee and water are my go to I have never even heard of tab even after watching back from the future, I just did not care. Soda is so foreign to me now days. 

The best part is, he feels like a smash character. He fits and he feels like he is right out of minecraft. I don’t really mind him being in the game, also the TNT is pretty useful :p.

People must be pretty desperate to pay to see her nudes.