Pro Scrabble Player

Probably should be mentioned the CEO sold 2000 stocks in the company before the announcement.

Starfield has an easter egg for almost every movie that exists that takes place on earth. 

Remember how they did it in Golden sun 1 / 2? That was fire. 

What a waste of development time. This is going to crash and burn hard. 

Its... just okay. Nothing special. 

So now its a bug when a game looks like garbage? 

Never heard of him. I guess that shows how “insanely popular” he is. 

That internet archive link you gave us does not link to the DBZ episode. 

Game is not officially out until its on Steam. Epic really knows how to shoot down a fun time. I had no idea it was releasing because of how closely I follow Stream releases.

So if they transformed back into cars and were in his drive way it would be okay but once they look humanoid its not? Seems like discrimination to me.

No wonder that channel died. 

lol forgot there were no standards here. My bad.


Huh? This is a joke of a article. Anyone who has played any of these games via FPGA can tell you the biggest elephant in the room is the fact that emulator and the games have input lag and they feel bad.

I mean just look at the comparisons, yea you can change the color packs on these games on the pocket too so if you

To bad you can’t copyright a voice. GG voice actors your jobs are about to be gone.

Only Nintendo fans would gush about that. As a PC player it looks dated.

If there is one company I don’t trust its Nintendo. They make some fantastic games but time and time again they have done shady stuff through out their history and to their fans. 

I have my Analogue Pocket next to me lol

Why not just make a deal? Okay we will let you have Call of Duty and you can let us have Last of Us 1 / 2 or God of War. I don’t see whats so hard to see here.

They really are, look at the amount of failures they have going for them. If it was not for the name brand of “Pokémon” and the fans trying their hardest to stick with the game because of that they would be a dead in water company. Not even Harry Potter name brand could keep that game afloat. They have one basic